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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

I'm Not Ignoring You - Really!

photo credit: billaday via photopin cc

Remember that post a while back about managing chaos?  Well...not sure how well I'm managing it but I am definitely caught up in it!  So what's going on?  A little bit of everything...I could use a little "Luck O' the Irish" right now!

Its tax return time and teacher conferences time and a return to hockey lessons...let's just not talk about the daylight savings time switch...  We are dealing with a ton of mud around here - not a pretty picture to be found!  Our typical Michigan March is here and that means wild temperature fluctuations and rain mixed with snow.  Which means the horse pen and driveway are a total mess which translates to muddy brumbies and a goat who more closely resembles a pig...
We've been trying to buy the foreclosure next door that adjoins our property so playing bidding wars and waiting games with the banks and realtors...stress...  We are trying not to get our hopes up but its hard not to daydream about what we would do with the place if we get it.

You've probably seen my posts on the March of Dimes and my team is definitely very busy rounding up donations and planning events.  
  • We are planning a pre-order bake sale since we've had problems finding a traditional location that works for us.  So we are having a month-long order form distribution followed by a day of the girls gathering and baking in mass production style (there will be pictures of that - and recipes).  We'll be offering sweet and savory options in the hopes that we have something for everyone.
  • We've been busy asking for business sponsorships to help hit our fundraising goal.  One local family business donated 20 pounds of farm-raised Berkshire pork and chickens so I did a silent auction at work and it resulted in a $100 donation from a very excited and generous co-worker who I am sure will be a long-time customer once she tastes that meat!  
  • This Friday I will also be hosting a "Soda Float" treat for my co-workers.  I'm asking for a $3 donation per float.  I'll provide vanilla, chocolate and strawberry ice cream along with several flavors of soda (hooray for Michigan's Faygo which is not only tasty but inexpensive!).  Then I'll have whipped cream and sprinkles to top it all off.  I'll have the bake sale order forms available too.  (And of course, a post coming on this for you too.)
My mom and her sister and I are all getting together for our first annual "sewing/crafting day" on Saturday and we are all really looking forward to it.  (I'm planning on some pictures to share with you on that too.)  My mom came up with this great idea after a similar day with some friends where everyone brought whatever unfinished projects they wanted to work on and worked and snacked and chatted the day away.  Personally I am just having a hard time decided which unfinished project(s) to take!  

Sunday just so happens to be my grandparents' anniversary as well (my grandma discovered just this past year that its an Irish tradition to get married on St. Patty's Day) so we'll end the day on Saturday with a big family dinner to celebrate.  Then the hubby and I are sneaking off for the night to meet up with friends for a long-overdue date night and our traditional St. Patty's Day night out with the crew.
I hope you are all having a great week so far and I hope to be able to get some new posts up for you later this week.  In the meantime, here is a flashback recipe for your St. Patty's Day fun!

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