More Country How-To's

Friday, March 1, 2013

Country Evening Snow

I just love when it snows in the country.  Especially those big snows that begin in the evening and you know are supposed to last all night.
Heading out to check all the critters and 
tuck them in for the night as the snow softly falls.  
Its that time when the quiet settles in.  All sounds are dampened by the cushion of snow.  Everyone else is tucked warmly in their houses.  
Nothing but the rumbling nicker of the horses and the stomp of impatient feet as they wait for their dinner and treats.
My guardians, the dogs, following me steady back and forth.  The soft purr of the cat as she perches above to monitor everyone.
I could stay out here for hours.

1 comment:

  1. That's just beautiful. When it snows in Portland it's just more ice and slush than powdery perfection. Your pictures makes me want to cuddle up with a cup of cocoa and sit with a fire and my honey.

    I hope you can stop by my newest post about the Box of Thanks I'm doing this year.


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