More Country How-To's

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Blogging Anniversary - Thank You!

I've been so busy that I almost missed the mark on the calendar telling me that this blog is now 1 year old!  I can't believe how far it has come and all the great friends I have made since I started this adventure a year ago.  I've been a writer almost as long as I've been a talker and it was a part of me that sort of got pushed aside when life got busy with starting my young family and handling some of the challenges that we faced over the past several years.  I've had many of my friends and family comment about how good it is to see me writing again - to see me have that creative outlet.  And I will say, it has been more than I ever imagined it would be in just one short year.

I look forward to sharing so much more with you - I have all these ideas bouncing around in my head and lists upon lists of ideas on scraps of paper and pages ripped out of magazines of ideas and recipes I can't wait to put my own twist on.

I thank you so much for joining me on this adventure!  You have all been so kind with your comments and questions, features and awards.  Followers and fellow bloggers here from around the country have made me feel like I'm your neighbor and we're chatting over the garden fence rather than over the internet - did you know there are nearly 1,000 of you!  And you are just exactly what I came looking for.  Fellow foodies, mommies trying to raise productive and self-reliant children, women who want to make a difference in their communities, gardeners, adventurers, crafters, critters lovers, frugal ladies who want to save the world and stretch a dime at the same time, people who want to preserve the culture and history of this great country, kindred spirits, and so much more.

So thank you for the time you give me here and please keep the comments and questions and suggestions coming!  I love interacting with you and I take to heart all of your feedback.  I know I have a few things I've promised to bring you and haven't delivered on yet and rest assured I have not forgotten - it is on those lists, LOL!  Bless you all and thank you for your support and camaraderie!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Anniversary, and Congrats! Looking forward to another year of great post! :)


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