More Country How-To's

Friday, November 8, 2013

Cement and Family

You may remember my grandpa had a serious fall in June that really impacted our whole family.  We (largely the sisters) have had to pull together once again.  A large family full of strong women.  Not the easiest group to get lined up on the same page and agreeing on movement in the same direction.  But when crisis strikes you have a couple of choices - you pull together or you fall apart.  And with these women, well, the second choice really just isn't usually on the table anyways.

Not only did everyone pull together to support my grandparents through the time in the hospital and rehab, but also to support them since he has been home.  You can see him on the deck supervising in the green shirt.
Independence is a precious thing and it is highly valued in our family.  One big task to bringing him home to the farm this summer (he was able to come home on his birthday at the end of July - 2 months before he was predicted to be able to!) was to make the house wheelchair accessible.  So with kids in tow and over several months this fall, everyone has pitched together to build a ramp from the driveway to the deck.  On this particular day, we poured the cement portion.  
Yup, that's me in the middle getting down and glam shots here...
And the kids are pretty good at keeping themselves busy when they can't help...

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