More Country How-To's

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Thank You!

I just want to thank you all for your support and encouragement, for your friendship and camaraderie, for sharing this little country life with me!  
Especially since lately I have often groused about feeling like this old girl surrounded in the weeds and dandelions!  I have gotten to know so many other awesome bloggers who have been so sweet and helped me grow and I am so grateful.  

Whether you are a regular or a first-timer, I love all of your comments and questions and I hope you will keep them coming.  Please don't be shy and remind me if I said I was going to post more about something and you haven't seen it - so much going on I do occasionally forget - like this shrub above that I was going to post and ask if any of you know what it is??

If you haven't visited me on Twitter or Pinterest you might want to check it out - I post different things there that I might not always post here.  On Twitter you can see more of the day-to-day things going on and something a quick recipe or photo of what's happening that might not make it to a full post.  On Pinterest I pin a lot of recipes from others I'd like to try, house renovation ideas (you can see the flavor of what I'm looking at for the new house), "words to live by" quotes, I post some Michigan scenic pictures that don't make it onto the blog, and lots of other pretties I repin from other bloggers - like the pallet garden that got me inspired.  

I have a couple of exciting opportunities coming this summer - including a tutorial on turning an old chipped terra cotta pot into an adorable fairy house for your garden.  And of course, lots of reveals coming as the new house continues to transform.  I'm hoping the mosquitoes die down around here a bit so I can get more pictures of the horses and the goat up for you.  Any day now the fawns will start making their way to our hay field with their mommas for an evening snack.  Last year my daughter was able to stalk within 10 yards of a doe laying down and her fawn playing in the field so I'm hoping for another chance with my camera in hand to catch that action.

Tomorrow is the last day of school so I'm taking it off to get a few things done at the new house in the morning and then celebrating with my big girl.  I can't believe she's already saying goodbye to 4th grade - this year has really flown by.  And then I look at her - pretty much eyeball to eyeball now - and I see how much she has matured and changed since the beginning of the year - and I want it to just stop right now!  :)  I'm so very proud of her but some days I still miss this funny, always smiling and posing little girl she was on the first day of kindergarten...

I look back at the beginning of this blog when I was just making introductions and I see it growing and evolving just as fast and I hope you have all enjoyed the ride as much as I have!

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