More Country How-To's

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Wondering What Happens at the Cabin?

Well...we made these...

Then this guy did this...

Lots of kid cousins making up skits, sledding & playing on the frozen pond (those pics are on my camera so you'll see those next week)...

Lots of adults standing around bonfires in the rain which finally turned to snow around midnight last night...can't post those pics, lol. What happens at the cabin stays at the cabin! This girl behaved so I could be chief kid-sitter and designated pizza run driver.

Now I'm settled in here with my new All*You magazine while my kids nap and everyone else is out playing in the snow. A little peace & quiet is nice for an hour or so after 2 days with 20 people crammed in a 2-bedroom cabin...

Still to come...more of the the kids help me with a Pinterest Project...

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