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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Talk the Talk, Walk the Walk - March of Dimes

If you haven't been here long, you may not have seen my post about the March of Dimes and my past involvement there but if you wonder why this is such a big deal to me - please go read.  Last year, we decided to take a break and a lot of family, friends and coworkers have asked if I would be leading a team again in the future so I decided to jump back on the train.
Premature birth isn't just a baby being born early.  It is an emotional rollercoaster for family and friends.  It can be financially devasting.  It can cost jobs and marriages.  There are surgeries and birth defects and complications that can last for years or lifetimes.

There are miracles and there are tragedies.  And there are the tiny angels.  The ones who don't survive.
There are doctors, nurses, volunteers and support groups who work to not only do their best for the babies, but also to support the families in a million different ways.
This March for Babies has brought so much to our lives after we feel that we have climbed a mountain with our miracle babies to just have them make it to that first day of kindergarten.  It is a remembrance of all that we have overcome together, a celebration of where we are, a thank you to those who helped along the way, and an honoring of those who were gathered into the arms of the Lord.
You'll be hearing more stories from my friends and family here about their own experiences and why they choose to support the March of Dimes.  Please consider supporting us by donating through the secure March of Dimes website by clicking the links in the March of Dimes button on the top left side of my page.  I cannot see any credit card information submitted and you can even use PayPal.  Your tax deductible donation will go directly to the March of Dimes to help provide resources, equipment and research to prevent premature births and give premature babies the best possible start.
My personal goal and progress bar are shown on the button at the left.  The Top Walker status means that I have raised my goal above my previous year's goal.  The Princess will be walking and fundraising with me and I'll post a link to her page soon (we are still customizing it).  If you are a business who would like to consider sponsoring our team, stay tuned for opportunities (we are in the early stages of development).
If you have a personal story about the March of Dimes and your experience with premature babies, please email me - I would love to have you do a guest post.  Thank you for your support!

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