More Country How-To's

Friday, November 30, 2012

Thank You!

I just want to say a sincere thank you for each of you who has stopped by to take a peek, lingered to check out the variety of topics covered here, tried one of my recipes, left me a comment, emailed me with feedback/tips/compliments, invited me to your blog or link party, come back day after day to see what's new.  Thank you to those of you who I have met through the other various platforms I link this blog up to - Google+, Twitter, Pinterest, TumblrBlogFrog, etc.  In all, there are nearly 500 of you who are "regulars" and that truly humbles me.  Thank you to those who have featured my posts on your blogs - I am in awe of you and so honored that you found my post or blog worthy a feature!

I soooo look forward to each interaction and you have all been so welcoming and friendly.  I started this journey to share pieces of me that I feel compelled to write about and to find others who enjoy the same things I do and feel as I do about this adventure of life.  I am so glad that you have found me and I have found you - there are days we all feel like no one understands no matter how wonderful the people in our daily lives are and those days are often the days when you have reached out and let me know that there are others who have been there too.  

Please continue with the comments and feedback as you have helped me to grow.  If you have tried one of my recipes, please come back and share how it turned out and what tweaks you made - so many of my recipes are meant to be easy to put your own personal touch on and twist to the taste buds of your family.  If you want to hear more about something, please ask away.  I am curious to know what types of post you all like the most.

Again, thank you so much for sharing your time with me!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy my visits to your blog. So, thank you for sharing with us.


I love to hear from you so please share your thoughts!