More Country How-To's

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Humbly Featured Today! And Some Pics

New House
I honored to have my Eggnog Cheesecake recipe featured today by Heather at New House, New Home, New Life!  If you are in to old home renovations (and I know many of you are!) check out the beautiful transformation in progress on Heather's kitchen and eating area.  Plus lots of great holiday ideas for gifts, food and decorating.  The block party always has lots of fun things!

We had a lot of fun over the Thanksgiving long weekend - its not often I get 4 days off work in a row to spend around home and I feel like I took full advantage.  While the turkey was roasting and the Mr. was watching football, I took a little stroll around the yard and did some tidying while the animals basked in the sun.

 This little nest in my snowball bush has finally been abandoned for the winter.
The light on these milkweed pods was really cool.

Can you see the bunny trail leading through the raspberries to the little rabbit hole under my shed?  I don't mind them being there.  There are enough food sources they don't seem to bother my raspberries much.  I am curious as to how large the burrow is under the shed though.
After a big Thanksgiving early dinner, a glass of this Round Barn Winery cranberry wine and a piece of Eggnog Cheesecake hit the spot and brought back fond memories of our summer wine tour.
And typical to Michigan, after a day of temperatures in the mid-50's on Thanksgiving, this was the cold gray morning that greeted us on Friday.  Yes, that's snow.

So the kids and I bundled up and picked up a load of hay to join our stack of pumpkins in the barn.  What good is a hay stack in the barn if you can't climb it?!
One of my favorite spots to sit and snuggle the farm dogs and get a peaceful moment to enjoy the warmth and sounds and smells of the animals and the fresh air.  My kids take after me in that - plus Little Man loves jumping off the last bale...

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