More Country How-To's

Monday, October 8, 2012

A Birthday Surprise at Daycare

We love our daycare.  My kids have gone there since she was 4 and my son since he was 8 weeks and so we really do feel like part of the "family".  I was asked to serve on the parent advisory committee to help provide feedback to the director and help plan daycare family and community events to help build relationships and promote the center.  We don't meet very often but we have had a lot of fun when we do and moms who I might have passed and smiled at every morning are becoming friends.  We share a lot of laughs about working motherhood - like our appreciation for the large number of projects the kids do at daycare that involve glitter and paint - so we don't have to do them at home!  
Recently, we discovered our director was turning 30 and we conspired to meet after she had left for the day and decorate her office in whatever birthday goodies we could round up.  Several people had random balloons and streamers and banners leftover from girl birthday parties.  A few of the classrooms made banners to decorate the walls and hallway.  We brought some pretty flowers and a birthday cake.  We also decorated the staff area and each brought easy finger food lunch items that the staff could grab on the run.  We had a lot of fun and laughs decorating and sneaking around.  She was very surprised and all the kids and staff thought it was fun too.  At the end of the day, each child got to take one of the balloons home too.  It was an easy, fun, inexpensive way to show our appreciation for all that she does to make our lives as working moms easier.

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