More Country How-To's

Monday, September 24, 2012

Happy Anniversary my dear husband.  
Thank you.  
For your patience when I am frustrated.  
For your knowledge where I lack.  
For knowing when to bite your tongue and when to pinch my rear.  
For your leadership and strength.  
For your humor.  
For your appreciation of my cooking.  
And for choking it down anyways when its not the greatest.
For your loyalty and dedication - to people and to tasks.
For being a great provider.  
For all the tears your broad shoulders have absorbed.
For standing tall beside me when I have made points that hit a nerve 
with others and stirred an angry response.
For making sure I know that no matter what we are always together.
For our two precious babies.
And for being the father to them that I hoped to find.
For knowing when to wrap me in your arms 
and when to give me some time to pull myself together.
For making me always feel desired and beautiful.
For standing with me even when I am in the wrong.
For being the first to apologize when I find it hard to start.
For holding me together when I want to fall to pieces.
For driving me to be a better me.
For knowing when to argue it out and when to 
just let me slam the door and go throw buckets at the barn wall.
For knowing when its time for a family tickle fight.
For letting me interrupt.
And listening even when I know you're ears are ringing.
For starting each day and ending each night with "I love you."
For making me have fun when I would focus on the "to-do" list.
For pitching in when you see I'm drowning.
For making sure you always kiss our babies good-bye every single time.
For the teamwork.
For loving me.
At 13 years of marriage, I think we have hit our stride.
Love you more.


  1. This nearly brought a tear to my eye. So sweet! Happy Anniversary! I just wanted to thank you for being such a great hostess this weekend. I saw that you went and visited everyone who linked up and thanked them- I think that's wonderful! So nice to connect with you :)

  2. Thank you both. :) Jessica - I really appreciate the opportunity to guest host and had a lot of fun doing it!


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