More Country How-To's

Monday, August 13, 2012

The Cabin

Love this place. Michiganders call it "up north" - which means anything north of the center of the mitten. About 40 acres of heaven to an outdoorsman with state and federal land near. There is always a lot to do here if you feel like doing anything and a lot of great ways to do nothing at all. Our kids have the same love for this place that we do and always look forward to coming. I hope its a place that is giving them a lot of great memories to look back on. There are boxes of pictures here from over the years of my husband and his siblings as kids that we always end up dragging out and a notebook we've been signing in for about a dozen years.

This particular weekend my husband and his brothers and brother-in-laws had decided to sign up for a softball tournament. I hope its a new tradition. While they didn't win the tournament, we all had a lot of fun and his parents enjoyed seeing so much of the family together. We had a lot of fun with our matching hats and shirts and posing for silly pictures together. Yesterday we took the kids on a canoe trip with my brother-in-law and his son and ended up at my husband's uncle's cabin. This gave us the opportunity to check out some more family pictures and show the kids some cool pictures of their great-grandpa.

It is hard for me to slow down and enjoy these kinds of moments at home where the to-do list looms and grows bigger by the minute so its nice to end my week's vacation with a long weekend at the cabin sitting by the campfire and ponds gazing at the stars and listening to the birds and kids' laughter.

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